Stephen Bellesini

Stephen Bellesini
Honored in Roman Catholic Church
Major shrine "Westcourt", Callan, Ireland; International Heritage Centre, "Mount Sion", Waterford, Ireland
Feast February 3

Blessed Stephen Bellesini was a friar in the Order of the Hermits of St Augustine (OSA), who was born in Trent, Italy, on November 25, 1774, and died in Genazzano, Italy, on February 2, 1840.

Of the Italian aristocracy, Luigi Giuseppe Bellesini joined the Augustinians in 1790, taking the name Stefano, made his profession on May 31, 1794, and was ordained in 1797. He became a great champion of the education of youth, and was appointed by the Austrian government inspector of all schools in Trent.

For a period, he was Novice Master for his Order, and, in 1831, was named parish priest in Genazzano, home to the miraculous fresco of Our Lady of Good Counsel, for whom he had a great devotion.

It was during a cholera epidemic in 1840 that, while ministering to his parishioners, he succumbed to the disease. He was beatified by Pope St Pius X, on December 27, 1904, and his Feast Day is February 3.

In Massachusetts is found the Blessed Stephen Bellesini OSA Academy, in collaboration with Merrimack College.
